How Preventative Care Can Keep You Healthy in Retirement with Dr. Laura Lile
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How Preventative Care Can Keep You Healthy in Retirement Show Notes
At 47 years old, I wasn’t taking care of myself. When a coworker had to take me to the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack, I said to myself, “I’ve got to change my life. I’ve got to change stuff.”
Eight years later, my life is totally different – and I owe a lot of that to today’s guest, Dr. Laura Lile. Laura is a preventative care physician, a compound pharmacist, and a big believer in the fact that people can create the future of their health based on the decisions they make right now. She’s also been my concierge doctor for the last eight years.
Though we normally focus on the financial aspect of retirement, this week’s episode is all about healthcare – and specifically how to live healthy at every stage of life. You’ll learn how to work with your body to address the declines we go through as we age, how to take preventative steps now to avoid worse outcomes later, and why it’s never too late to start taking steps to change your health.
In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:
- Why so few men are even aware of the male equivalent of menopause – and how it’s probably affecting them right now.
- Why an annual checkup and a single blood lab is almost never sufficient when it comes to painting an accurate picture of our health.
- How common chronic conditions, like acid reflux, can be reduced or eliminated.
- What Laura learned from her experiences on the Vatican’s Emergency COVID-19 Commission – and why she is such a big believer in optimizing the body’s immune system to fight viruses, rather than waiting to treat the infection.
- Steps you can take right now to reduce your oxidative and psychological stress.
Inspiring Quote
- “You can have all the money in the world but if you don’t have your health, it doesn’t do you any good.” – Dean Barber
- “This is not the time to go on extreme dieting whether you’re fasting for three days or you’re eating a high fat diet because you’re depressed and you’re overeating. This is a time for moderation.” – Dr. Laura Lile
- “● “Sometimes we need to have germs. I mean, having a germaphobe, that parent when we were younger, those were the kids that always got sick with ear infections and other illnesses.” – Dr. Laura Lile
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[00:00:08] Dean Barber: Welcome to The Guided Retirement Show. I’m Dean Barber and it is such a pleasure to have you with me here today. Today’s guest is my concierge physician, Dr. Laura Lile. I’ve been working with Dr. Laura Lile now for eight years and I’m happy to say that I’m in the best health that I’ve been in, in my entire life all thanks to the preventative care of Dr. Laura Lile. Dr. Laura Lile introduced me to a supplement here back in March of 2020 that she believed had the ability to prevent COVID.
And sure enough, I’ve been exposed and, in fact, I’ve had my entire family on this formulation and we were all exposed and nobody tested positive for COVID. I’m excited to interview Dr. Laura Lile. I’m going to encourage you to share this episode with every single person you know and encourage the people that you share it with, to share it with everybody they know. You’ll love this interview. Take the time, listen to it thoroughly, and share it with your friends. Enjoy.
[00:01:16] Dean Barber: Dr. Laura Lile, great to have you hear on The Guided Retirement Show. It is normally my favorite thing to talk about is money and financial planning and financial wellness but today we’re going to talk about real wellness and your company, Lile Wellness, is actually getting the word out on some pretty amazing things that are happening. I’ve been a patient of yours for eight years now and I have to say that the results have been outstanding.
My life is totally different today. At 47 years old, I was really out of shape. I wasn’t taking very good care of myself. I’ve had a coworker of mine take me to the hospital. He thought I was having a heart attack and I called you because I was referred to you by a good friend of mine and I said, “I got to change my life. I got to change stuff.”
You’ve been working with me for eight years and the results are outstanding. So, I want you to, first of all, know how much I appreciate what you’ve done but I want you to tell your story about why you do what you do. You’re a preventative care physician, also a compound pharmacist, and you believe that people can really create the future of their health by the decisions that they make. So, welcome. It’s great to have you here.
[00:02:39] Dr. Laura Lile: Thanks, Dean. I really appreciate you having me on today. And as I’ve stated, patients like yourself make my job a lot easier because you are vested in your health. You’re doing all the things that we ask of you. You ask the question about why I do preventative health and when I started out in compounding pharmacy in the 80s, there weren’t very many of us. There were probably 50 or 60 back in the mid to late-80s and I loved mixing and I loved problem-solving, and I went on to open two pharmacies, independent pharmacies.
At that time, over the next decade, I noticed, gosh, these patients keep getting prescriptions, and then they have to get another prescription for side effects and another. Next thing you know, I realized maybe they would have been better off just not taking anything at all. So, I really wanted to learn more about that. It was also a calling to go back to medical school. I had two small children but I knew that I needed to learn why it was that patients were getting so many prescriptions and I knew that we could have better solutions.
So, I went back to medical school and that was when I came out in 2001. So, it’s been quite a while ago since I graduated and been practicing as a medical doctor but I’ve always continued to do both. I have felt I love being In my lab, I love problem-solving, and so my focus has always been on the prevention piece.
We were compounding vitamin D3, 15, 20 years ago. There weren’t vitamins over-the-counter and I just knew that when we could get a solution early on and get somebody in the preventative phase, it made more sense than waiting and being on the defense. And unfortunately, what I did learn in medical school is that we don’t learn about the medications. We learn about the diagnosis, which has to happen. But unfortunately, we look up and we’re taught to look.
[00:04:37] Dr. Laura Lile: “Okay, we have a diagnosis. Let’s now go look up what medication to prescribe,” and those medicines are usually a synthetic prescription medication. And so, the reality is let’s not get to that point. Let’s get it earlier.
[00:04:53] Dean Barber: Exactly right. And I love that approach and I have to tell you that I run into people all the time, obviously, and they’re like, “How old are you, Dean?” and I’ll tell them I’m 55 and they’re like, “Oh my gosh, how are you so healthy? How do you do all the things that you do?” And then I got to tell the story about Dr. Laura Lile and what she’s done for me. So, go to and check out the website there and learn all about what Dr. Laura Lile here is doing.
So, talk about some of the preventative things. You said D3, right? Now, I don’t know that everybody listening is going to know what is D3 but you have me taking something called D3 with K2, which I’m not sure that I actually understand the science behind that. But talk about some of the things that you see happening and why these supplements are so critical. You told me about a male going through a very long menopausal cycle.
So, kind of like women that happens pretty quick but men it’s a very prolonged period of time. And what happens in that is your body starts making some of the things that you need in order to stay healthy. So, talk a little bit about some of that science.
[00:06:05] Dr. Laura Lile: So, I think most women are very aware of menopause and I call it falling off a cliff. So, in women typically the average course of hormonal change and impact is much more noticeable. In men, and we’ve talked about this starting at age 35, we see this gradual decline.
And so, in a lot of men, they don’t realize maybe their joints are hurting or they’re fatigued or they’re not as focused. I’ve had so many like CEO type men in my practice who just didn’t feel like they were on top of their game, maybe the way that they had been before. And so, it is a different course and in men, it’s called andropause. But I’ve always had an interest in balancing things much very tedious. It’s not just about getting your testosterone checked. It’s about making sure that we’re checking your hemoglobin, your estrogen. Most men don’t know they even have estrogen that we need to…
[00:07:03] Dean Barber: I didn’t know until you pointed it out.
[00:07:06] Dr. Laura Lile: And I always gently put that into the conversation because most men I get a look of shock when I’m in person with them, “What? I have estrogen?” So, one of the things that I believe is that everything in the human body is tied together and I am a little bit like a stockbroker in the aspect that I love numbers and I look at trend analysis but I don’t look at just one number. I’m looking at all of your data. I’m looking at all of the different factors and we want to get everything aligned because we know that we can impact healthspan.
We can impact that time in your life where we don’t want to all just grow old and be disabled. We want to grow old with quality of life. It’s not just length of life. And so, in doing so, we’ll start optimizing patients and what most people don’t realize is that their numbers are normal by most of our standards because it’s a 5th to 95th percentile.
[00:08:06] Dean Barber: Yeah. So, say that again. So, if you’re in the 95th percentile or in the 5th percentile, anywhere in between there, you’re saying that’s normal but that’s a broad span.
[00:08:16] Dr. Laura Lile: Truly. And let’s face it, what’s normal for you? So, if you don’t have the retrospective numbers to evaluate just like in the stock market, how do you know what to predict? How do you know if it’s going up or down? So, by looking at the trends, we have the ability to actually follow a person and know what’s normal for you.
But the key is if you get your blood work done at your doctor and they do the basic things, regular testing, not anti-aging blood work, you won’t get a call if there’s not an H or an L for high and low. And the bottom line is, for example, vitamin B12 is 250 to 1,100. So, if you’re 251, you’re normal. And obviously, I don’t think it takes much to understand you may be normal but you’re very low, and it needs to be replaced.
[00:09:06] Dean Barber: So, instead of looking at normal, high, or low, you’re looking at optimum. What is the optimum levels of all of these different chemicals within our body? And where should we be?
[00:09:17] Dr. Laura Lile: Exactly. And in some, we’re trying to get you in that 90th, 95th percentile for that range depending on what we’re looking at. But we’re not just looking at cholesterol and we’re not just looking at, okay, sometimes we’ll look at thyroid but we’re looking at aging, markers of aging, and wellness. So, I’m looking at, for example, blood sugars. I don’t want to just see your fasting blood sugar. We talk about your A1C, your three-month average of blood sugar because it’s a better indicator.
And also, we know by keeping that below 5.7, we’re going to lower your overall cancer risk and I think in a time of COVID, we also can see now that even prediabetes will put you at risk for having hospitalization. So, by optimizing and preparing your body to be able to handle insults, I often say to patients, “Look, if we can get As or in honors courses,” because I run a pretty tight ship, as you know.
[00:10:15] Dean Barber: Yes.
[00:10:16] Dr. Laura Lile: We’d like to really fine-tune and dig into those numbers but the beauty is when you see cause and effect from your lifestyle and from the supplements, then you start to feel better but you also see the objective data. That then will help you during times of pandemics. It’ll help you if, God forbid, you’re in a car accident, and what if you didn’t know you had low iron or what if you didn’t know you were diabetic? You know, having all that information and everything optimized just allows you to have better outcomes, not just for longevity.
[00:10:47] Dean Barber: And so, how often do you suggest to people get their blood work done? What do you think is optimum in the normal kind of person out there? I mean, most doctors are going to say, “Well, come in once a year. We’ll do a checkup.” That’s a long time.
[00:11:05] Dr. Laura Lile: It’s a very long time. Do you know how much happens in a year? A year ago, we didn’t hear about COVID. Right?
[00:11:10] Dean Barber: Right.
[00:11:11] Dr. Laura Lile: I’ve had a lot happen in my last year, getting married and all the stressors of those things, meeting the Pope. So, we have to understand that blood work will alter based on the stress in our life. It’ll alter if we gained five pounds, 10 pounds, or if we lose 10 pounds.
So, I do not feel once a year is a safe way to look at blood work. If we are going to be healthcare advocates and we are going to promote health care, we need to have that bloodwork at least twice a year and that would be like, at least. Because how do you get data points? I prefer to have it three to four times a year depending on where you’re at in your own personal health and wellness.
[00:11:49] Dean Barber: Yeah. And I know when you and I first started, I was a train wreck and you said, “Okay, every quarter. We’re doing this every quarter.” And it wasn’t just that I got the bloodwork done, it was that you and I would then spend 45 minutes to an hour on the phone talking about what’s going on and how these different supplements have changed this and things are looking better. Now, let’s keep doing this or let’s change a couple of things, and it didn’t take long.
I mean, we were maybe three quarters into it and you had figured out what I needed to be doing and optimize things and that’s when I really started to see the big difference. I mean, I don’t do it four times a year anymore because you and I both agreed three times a year is probably adequate for where I’m at because you know I’m regimented and I follow your instructions, right?
[00:12:36] Dr. Laura Lile: Absolutely. And that’s exactly right. You know, there’s going to be early on, we need more of those data points. We need to get things corrected. But when we do things, see things stabilize, I always say you can graduate to maybe twice a year if you’re a little bit older like 80-year-olds.
Most of the time 70, 80, they’ve been with us for 10, 15 years and we have a lot of data points. Unless something traumatic happens then we can push that blood work out a little bit. But once a year makes no sense to me at all. I believe we have to know what’s going on in our body. Because sometimes, remember, we’re not waiting to get symptoms. We’re trying to prevent that problem.
[00:13:12] Dean Barber: So, if there was an ideal age that somebody should start utilizing your preventative care services, what would that be?
[00:13:25] Dr. Laura Lile: So, if you asked me that question 10 years ago, I would probably say 40s but we’ve now had generations of families. I think it’s great when you’re going to college to get it once a year. I’m saying that because at least we’re getting some data points.
And what we’re finding is they actually may not be overly compliant but they’re learning what they need to be doing. And when they get out in the real world, then this is becoming part of their lifestyle. It’s part of the way they do it. But if someone can get their blood work when they’re feeling great in their 30s and just start getting some of those early data points. But as we start to get into the aging process and I’m older than you, Dean, so it’s always good to have your doctor older than you, right?
[00:14:08] Dean Barber: Exactly. You look 10 years younger, though.
[00:14:12] Dr. Laura Lile: Bless your heart. So, the key is getting as early as possible established but especially in women, if you’re feeling great, what a great time to get your blood work. And most people don’t think of it that way. They wait until they’re having problems with their hormones or not feeling well, then they go in.
[00:14:30] Dean Barber: Yeah. So, is there a point at which it’s too late?
[00:14:32] Dr. Laura Lile: Never too late. The oldest patient that came into my practice, a 93-year-old male, came to me for anti-aging.
[00:14:40] Dean Barber: That’s funny.
[00:14:42] Dr. Laura Lile: It was a really unique situation and he forced interviewed me because he wanted to make sure he could have a scotch once a day. And of course, at 93 we’re not taking that away but he lived to be almost 102 plus and just passed away in the past year. And just a beautiful quality of life. The man was not really walking a lot. He was having poor quality of life, felt fatigued. He was able to go on a sailboat with his family in the Bahamas and the quality of life that he had. So, it’s never too late. Never.
[00:15:15] Dean Barber: And so, you had somebody at 93 come to you for anti-aging and what you saw the results, what you’re saying is you changed that man’s last nine years of his life.
[00:15:29] Dr. Laura Lile: It changed not only the last nine years of his life. It changed the family’s last nine years of his life. I was able to attend, I take care of all the generations, all the way down to the great-grandchildren in that family and it was so beautiful to watch. When he turned 100, we would have these milestones, you know, and to watch the birthday party and his ability to interact and have the mental capacity to interact not just physically. So, it truly is I love what I do. You know that, Dean. I mean, I love being able to help direct the trajectory of individual lives and improve.
[00:16:07] Dean Barber: Alright. So, you got to tell me, he did not use the synthetic drugs, right?
[00:16:18] Dr. Laura Lile: No, no. He was on supplements. He was on testosterone which was at the time unheard of. We talked about that and it was very interesting tweaking him. And again, remember, every person is different. And so, what we know in some of these 80, 90, 100-year-olds, that we have actually lower amounts needed to get the same therapeutic results because we have to make sure that we don’t enlarge their prostate and we don’t do other things.
We had to balance his estrogens out and keep his sugar’s down but not with prescription medications. No. And I believe that by fine-tuning everything, if he has to go in the hospital or had any illness, we were able to have him recover very quickly. Again, he was optimized.
[00:17:04] Dean Barber: The big pharmaceutical companies have to hate you.
[00:17:07] Dr. Laura Lile: I think so. They’re selling many medications. So, all we can do is continue to get the word out. And a lot of people say to me like why do I need supplements? Why? Can I just eat healthy? I eat healthy but I think it’s important, Dean, for people to understand that because of the environment we live in, the environmental toxins, the oxidative stress, gosh, we’re all under a lot of emotional stress now, right, that impacts things in our life.
And you’ve even seen that on some ups and downs in your blood work we’ll notice cortisol will push sugars up if you’re under a really stressful time. And so, I think people need to realize the quality and nutrients within our food is not the same. So, we have to replace these things because if we don’t, that’s why we see some of these disease states and it’s like a 1+1=10. So, if you’re low on D3 plus you’re low or high on inflammation markers, the 1+1=10, meaning it’s exponentially more of a problem for you.
[00:18:09] Dean Barber: So, inflammation, talk a little bit about that because that’s not something I think people really think about, internal inflammation in their body. They can see it if it’s external but what do you mean inflammation internally?
[00:18:21] Dr. Laura Lile: Wow. So, inflammation, huge, and you may have even been hearing about it in the news cycle with the cytokine storm. That’s all pro-inflammatory things that are happening in people’s bodies that’s getting them really sick and into intensive care with COVID. So, day in, day out, we have inflammation in our body.
It could be I decided to have a doughnut last night or our body can get inflamed from certain foods we eat. It can get inflamed from certain medications we’re taking. A lot of people think of inflammation as joint pain. They think, “Oh, I injured myself when I was at CrossFit. Oh, I have inflammation.”
Yes, you have localized inflammation. The inflammation I’m talking about I checked something called C-reactive protein, C-reactive protein is systemic. It’s in your bloodstream. And we know if we can keep that down below 1, we are dramatically dropping healthcare risks, including cancer risk. So, it is a very important tool for us to continue to follow. Everyone really should know their C-reactive protein level.
[00:19:22] Dean Barber: But I’m sitting here talking to my co-host on America’s Wealth Management show and I’m telling him, I’ve shown him, I said, “Look, here’s what Dr. Lile does. Let me show you all of the different things that she’s looking at on a regular basis.” How many doctors are going to go, “Hey, let’s go check your C-reactive protein?”
[00:19:40] Dr. Laura Lile: Probably not a lot unless if you ask. There are more doctors that are starting to work in this arena but here’s the thing. Without data points every time, how can we get the predictive value? So, what has happened over the years, I started doing this believe it or not from nuns teaching me to look at it this way. Can you believe that? Back in 2003.
[00:19:58] Dean Barber: That’s interesting.
[00:20:00] Dr. Laura Lile: Yes. I was the first medical director for Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and they had 350 retired nuns averaged age 86 and they had never had a medical director and they were waiting on a woman and there weren’t any women MDs in the area. So, they approached me and I opened my clinic and take on this big project. Well, every Friday the nuns would come to a clinic and they were bored.
These women are so smart and they started graphing. A couple of them would graph their blood sugars. They would graph their blood pressures. They would graph numbers and I would get so excited like, “Wow, that was so helpful. What a difference that made.” And so, in a community like that, they all eat meals together. Everybody started chatting.
Dr. Laura loves graphs. Next thing, everybody’s graphing for me. So, then when I went to practice in the hospital like I’d be in the intensive care with the patient, and they’d say, “Oh, Dr. Lile, this liver enzyme’s quite high,” I’m like, “Was it going up or is it going down?” because I really can’t make a medical decision without that.
So, from that point forward, I started doing all graphing and looking at the trend analysis because it is so important to see the different things together. Because if you have, you can see cause and effect. And that’s really where we are able to find associations that are in medical journals, maybe five, seven years later, which we already knew. For example, if somebody is taking over-the-counter Pepcid and those types of medications or Protonix and Prilosec.
I always knew, “Hey, your magnesium is getting low, “Hey, your B12 is low.” Well, why? Well, it’s because you’re not able to absorb because of the lack of acid and then they’ll publish five years later, “Oh, by the way.” But we’re seeing it because if you have all the numbers, that’s how you’re going to be able to see the changes.
[00:21:55] Dean Barber: That’s interesting that you say that because I never associated the two things together but before I started being your patient, I used to have heartburn all the time. Now, it doesn’t exist. It’s just not there. And you’re saying it’s because of what?
[00:22:09] Dr. Laura Lile: Well, I’m saying that, first of all, getting your body healthy. So, getting the right bacteria, getting everything aligned in your body. Your gut health is your immune system. People don’t realize that. So, when you have heartburn, that can be a sign of just simple reflux in your diet but it also can be a sign that things are out of balance. And so, if we can get your inflammation down and we can put back the things that are needed, things start working better.
[00:22:36] Dean Barber: Interesting.
[00:24:33] Dean Barber: Let’s switch gears a little bit here. You are on the, I’m going to mess up the way to say it, the COVID Council for the Vatican. So, talk to us about how did that come about. Tell me about your trip to the Vatican and the work that you’re doing.
[00:24:55] Dr. Laura Lile: Sure. So, you did well with that. It’s the Emergency COVID-19 Commission. I thought you were pretty close on that, Dean.
[00:25:03] Dean Barber: Okay, good.
[00:24:04] Dr. Laura Lile: So, last fall in November, on November 9th, actually, I had a private audience with Pope Francis. I was selected to come over for a few days and what they say they were courting me. And in doing so, I had the privilege of meeting Pope Francis one-on-one. And part of that reason, often people are like, well, how did that happen? Well, they’re looking for women in leadership. Also, Pope Francis is very much driven towards a more natural holistic approach and so was looking for a pharmacist or somebody with that knowledge and many don’t realize that Pope Francis was actually a chemist before he was a priest.
[00:25:49] Dean Barber: Interesting. I didn’t know that either.
[00:25:51] Dr. Laura Lile: And he actually had a compounding chemist in a lab, a nutrition lab in Argentina that was very influential in his life. So, when you think about the interesting overlays in our life, it’s pretty fascinating. So, I was called in for my expertise in preventative health and natural health because this is not an area they had anyone to be able to promote within. And I presented to the Vatican and I’m happy to report that in February, Pope Francis adopted a platform of global health and wellness and in his platform is resetting healthcare using a natural, holistic approach. I couldn’t be much happier.
[00:26:33] Dean Barber: Wouldn’t that be amazing? Yeah, that’s amazing.
[00:26:35] Dr. Laura Lile: So, I was invited back in March, which of course, was waylaid because of COVID. I couldn’t actually get out of the country. So, as soon as it was open to fly, which was the end of June, I flew back over to the Vatican to complete. I was going to start working within the convent, within the Vatican, the nuns, and also helping with looking at evaluating some of the hospitals with the Order of Malta. So, I went back and I was there the end of June, beginning of July.
At that time, I was appointed to the Emergency COVID-19 Commission, which I take as a huge honor and I have been working extensively with COVID-19. As you know, I am committed to trying to change the trajectory of all of this.
[00:27:24] Dean Barber: Okay. So, I’ll tell a story about back in, I think, it was March you and I talked. I remember because I was sitting on my dock at the lake house and talking to you and you’re saying, “Dean, you’ve been a bad boy. You haven’t been necessarily taking the best care.” Maybe I had a few too many drinks during the first part of COVID. I was cooped up in all this and you said, “Here’s something I think you should do.
Here’s something I think you should take,” and you introduced me to a new supplement that I hadn’t been taking called ProImmune 200 and you said, “Dean, I think that this ProImmune 200 can help prevent people from getting COVID.” And so, I’m like, “Alright. Well, tell me how that works.” So, tell everybody that’s listening or watching what does the ProImmune 200 do and how do you think it can help people prevent COVID or if they get it, prevent them from getting critically ill?
[00:28:25] Dr. Laura Lile: Well, let me say, first and foremost, I call it Immune Formula but it doesn’t matter. You know, what’s so amazing is I believe in divine intervention and I met a scientist that worked in the Vatican in the 70s. And after my work at the Vatican in January, he reached out to me and he was a chemist and a psychiatrist, and he had done a lot of work with natural supplements and had nothing to do with COVID. It was about looking at intracellular glutathione.
And he had figured out how to get our body to make its own intracellular glutathione. Now, I get overly excited about that because I have spent decades working with glutathione and trying to get our own bodies levels up. Well, the only way we’ve been able to do that is by IV, which we could not give continuously. That is not easy to do. So, usually, when somebody’s super sick, we might use it for an immune-boosting property.
But we tried it topically and we knew that it shut down your own body’s ability to make glutathione. So, although we knew that it was almost, I don’t want to call it the holy grail but it had a lot of really great things with longevity and health and wellness and viral syndromes, we couldn’t really give it on a regular basis.
Well, as soon as I started reading the research on this, I was astounded because as you know, Dean, I love supplements and I have been working with them since 1987 and like I said, before even people have supplements, I was handmaking them. And I am so excited about what has been discovered because it truly is the simplicity of what has been made. It’s three amino acids. Three. It’s L-cysteine. It’s L-glycine, L-glutamine, and a small amount of selenium as a spark plug, as I say, to kind of ignite it if needed in the cell.
[00:30:24] Dr. Laura Lile: But if you think about it, the beauty is we have this one enzyme in our cell and believe me, that enzyme, you don’t want to override it because its whole job is to say, “Do you need glutathione or don’t you?” And the way he formulated this, it gives the cell everything it needs to make intracellular glutathione but if you don’t need it at the time, your body won’t make it. So, why is it important right now? Because it has two very unique properties. First of all, it’s well known in the literature that it has excellent impact with viruses.
[00:31:01] Dean Barber: You’re talking about the glutathione has…
[00:31:03] Dr. Laura Lile: The glutathione, yes. So, glutathione has been studied. It’s not some revelation that we’re having. It’s just we couldn’t get it. He’s figured out how to get it in the body. But there’s 3,761 studies on viruses and the positive impact of intracellular glutathione in our PubMed research so this is evidence-based research. So, I’m just very excited to have the opportunity to get this into our patients because I know what a game-changer it is for the world.
[00:31:33] Dean Barber: Well, when you said that and then I’m like, “Okay. Well, I’ll try it,” I didn’t understand what glutathione was. That was the first time I’d ever heard the word and didn’t understand that that was my body’s own ability to fight off viruses and maintain good health. And I didn’t realize when you introduced me to it in March that you had just learned about it in January either which is pretty amazing that we were able to get together and start on that but my experience with it has been really quite astounding.
We had a big Fourth of July party and I have a son. I have like two sons that live in Florida and they both flew back with their girlfriends. Well, one of the girlfriends before she left, she thought she had a sinus infection because she had a really severe headache. And she went to the clinic and they said, “Well, we don’t think you have a sinus infection. We’re going to test you for COVID. So, they did a quick test on her and the quick test came back negative.
And then they did the nasal swab and they said it’ll take five to seven days before we’ll have the results of the nasal swab and she said, “Look, I’m getting on an airplane. I’m going to my boyfriend’s family and I want to make sure I’m okay to fly. What are the chances that if I’m negative with the quick test that I’m positive with the nasal swab?” And the person there says, “Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s highly unlikely. Go ahead and get on the plane. Go do your thing.”
Well, five or six days later that they’d been with us, right, we played cards together, we ate together, we drove in a car for 3.5 hours together. We were with this young lady nonstop in a very, very close environment. Nobody was social distancing. We weren’t wearing masks and she got the test back from the nasal swab and said she was positive. And so, I called you immediately, right? I called you immediately and you said, “I don’t think you’re going to get it.”
[00:33:22] Dr. Laura Lile: I did. I believed it wholeheartedly that you would not get it.
[00:33:25] Dean Barber: And I didn’t.
[00:33:26] Dr. Laura Lile: Because I know how compliant you are.
[00:33:28] Dean Barber: And I didn’t. And nobody on my family did because we’d all been taking that ProImmune 200 or what do you call it?
[00:33:34] Dr. Laura Lile: I call it Immune Formulation but that’s okay.
[00:33:36] Dean Barber: Yeah. Anyway, and nobody in my family got it. And so, I’m like, “Why in the world are we not talking about this in mainstream media?” If this is something that’s so simple, that it’s our body’s own ability to fight off this virus and we can boost the glutathione levels or the ability for your body to make the glutathione to fight off the virus, why isn’t everybody not doing this?
[00:34:05] Dr. Laura Lile: Well, and I think that’s my mission is to get everybody doing this. But if you think about it, the majority of where the dollars and research is in the 20% that are gravely ill in the hospital. So, we’re looking at hydroxychloroquine, we’re looking at Remdesivir, we’re looking at people that are already in the hospital. So, out of 100 patients, 20 may have to be hospitalized and now that a small percentage end to the ICU and on ventilators but that’s where all the emphasis is.
That’s Western medicine approach because we wait until you’re sick and then we treat and so that’s the mentality. Where we really need to be focusing is on that 80% and optimizing your immune system and keeping you out of the hospital and better yet, let’s prevent it. And that’s exactly what intracellular glutathione I’m so excited about because not only does it work as a master antioxidant to help decrease your own oxidative stress which most of us have at this time.
I mean, we’re all living pretty stressful these days. So, we need to get that down but also glutathione has the ability to decrease viral loads by chelating or binding the zinc, nickel, and iron. And those are the key elements that feed aggressive messenger RNA viruses. And so, for example, and it was my belief immediately when seeing how glutathione worked, well, gosh if I got exposed, wouldn’t it make sense if I had really good intracellular glutathione levels?
I have something that cannot let that virus replicate. So, even if two people got exposed, it was my theory and belief that the person that had good glutathione levels that would not allow that virus to replicate as much. And we know and it’s factual and in the science that if we don’t do that and we allow that it’s your viral load in your bloodstream and your cells that’s going to cause more health significant symptoms.
[00:36:10] Dr. Laura Lile: And so, we’ve now had over 1,000 patients. It expands every day. This is observational data at this point. We are excited to really push to get into a Phase 3 clinical trial because in this country, even though this product is FDA accepted for everything I’ve said, decreasing oxidative stress, increasing intracellular glutathione, to get it identified in this country, it really needs to be called a medicine even if it’s over the counter.
We need to move towards that because that is how our system works here. There’s nothing prohibiting people from taking it now and that’s my mission is to get this into as many people as possible because we don’t have to live in fear. And you know that’s my premise.
[00:36:53] Dean Barber: Yeah. So, let’s talk about that 20% or the people that have become infected with COVID-19. So, you told me when we were on the phone that day and I talked about my son’s girlfriend, you have her start taking it right away and you believe that within 48 to 72 hours, her symptoms will be gone. And it was 48 hours and she was like, “Oh, I got all my energy back. I feel better. My headache is gone.” And so, for these people that are getting really sick, can they start taking this right away?
[00:37:26] Dr. Laura Lile: Absolutely. We’ve had now at 100 referred COVID patients, much like your son’s girlfriend that are referred to us and we’re like, “Get on this. Take it at a little bit higher dose three times a day,” and we’re seeing a significant, we’ve not had one hospitalization and some of these patients are very ill. I mean, we’ve got patients in their 80s, we’ve got people with AFib and stroke history and severe diabetes and these are the people that land in the hospital normally.
So, being able to keep people out of the hospital is key not only for our health care system but also to be able to have a quick recovery. Because if you can drop the viral load, if you can empower your body to fight this and empower your immune system, we’re all going to be better at getting over this. And quite honestly, I believe that it’ll be with influenza as well this fall.
[00:38:20] Dean Barber: Yeah. So, to me, this is so exciting. Where are you at with the studies on this? You talked about a Phase 3 clinical trial. Have you done Phase 1, Phase 2? Who are you working with?
[00:38:34] Dr. Laura Lile: Phase 1, Phase 2 are all completed. This is a product that’s available. We’re in a very unique situation. Remember, most of the time when you’re in a pandemic or something a world crisis, they pull things out of the freezer meaning you have to have something that’s readily available.
[00:38:57] Dean Barber: And this is readily available?
[00:38:58] Dr. Laura Lile: Yes, exactly. That’s why they grabbed hydroxychloroquine and tried to repurpose and look at it because you can’t do a Phase 1, Phase 2, and have people dying in a pandemic. You need to take something that already has passed the testing that it’s needed in order to get it into a human clinical trial. And so, that’s why Remdesivir was used in Ebola. It was used, not overly successful but it was used in the past. So, it already had been approved to be used in humans.
This product has been available and is very safe for, as a matter of fact, I don’t know of any drug interactions or contraindications except for if somebody is in aggressive chemotherapy. The only reason I would say not using it then is because the whole point of chemotherapy is to increase oxidative stress. It’s trying to put your body into war. And you don’t want to dampen that if you’re trying to do aggressive treatments. But past that, even right after the chemo, getting right on board with it because it truly just makes sense.
So, we are now in the phase of most likely we’ll do one in the US and one out and we’re working through all those steps. But it isn’t necessary to do so. Patients can still do it. I believe that it needs to be done to get it to the medical communities to get it published in the journals because, in our country, that is critical.
[00:40:22] Dean Barber: How long do you think that’ll take?
[00:40:25] Dr. Laura Lile: We’re dealing with politics and the government. Once we get moving on it, I believe we can get things wrapped up in three months. So, we’re just now in the IND phase, which you have to do. It’s quite complex, Dean. This is a whole new ballgame. But this is my point in my platform right now. We’re looking to launch a study, a Phase 3 clinical trial in Rwanda because we can get that expedited a little faster. I’m hedging to get both going.
Whichever one is done faster, we’ll help to get this accelerated into the media. We’re still publishing and getting ready to publish our case studies and our observational data, opinion letters, and papers because we’ve had to take these past five or six months and do a lot of things. We’ve had to follow the science and the science is pointing 100% to people with increased oxidative stress, and people with decreased immunity are at risk, period.
[00:41:30] Dean Barber: And this fixes both of those things?
[00:41:32] Dr. Laura Lile: That’s right. The science is showing that we can do something about this. And now there are studies coming out just this past week, the University of North Carolina talked about selenium which is one of the cofactors in patients and it talks about the glutathione pathway.
The science is already even talking and that’s with COVID-19. Now that we’re getting very detailed studies, there was one out of Russia, the title of this study literally said endogenous glutathione deficiency as the most probable cause for severe illness and death in COVID-19.
[00:42:12] Dean Barber: You know, I read that. I actually read that because once you put me on this, I’m like, “I got to understand this glutathione.” So, I just googled and I actually found that study. It was really fascinating.
[00:42:24] Dr. Laura Lile: It is. And so, we’re going to keep spreading the word in the medical community but remember, people get beat up right now in the media. It’s a rough road out there but we’re not allowing that to stop getting it because I am committed. And outside of the country, I’ve already have met in Italy and I’ve been to the Vatican talking and it’s a little bit different parameters.
[00:42:47] Dean Barber: Does it move faster?
[00:42:49] Dr. Laura Lile: Yes. But we have checks and balances in place, and I believe our FDA was not really ever set up to deal with public health crisis. It’s there to keep people safe for diagnostic and for medications. We’re in a very unique situation and I believe that it’s amazing that there’s already something that the FDA accepted.
[00:43:11] Dean Barber: Absolutely. Yeah. And it says right on the bottle. I saw it. Take it every day. So, yeah.
[00:43:17] Dr. Laura Lile: Pretty amazing. Yes. Very excited. And you know, when I really dug into it, the part that really struck me and I did a talk a couple of weeks ago about this and with a slide. If I could show it, I would but picture this. Three amino acids just in a chain.
That is the simplicity of what we’re talking about your own body’s antiviral ability to help your immune system. Remdesivir has 25 steps to make it, 25. It has over 70 raw materials. It takes nine months to 12 months to make and you know why? Because one of those processes in there, it’s very dangerous to humans and it has to be made in a chemical reactor stainless steel in Canada.
[00:44:03] Dean Barber: Wow.
[00:44:04] Dr. Laura Lile: Really?
[00:44:05] Dean Barber: Doesn’t sound very safe.
[00:44:07] Dr. Laura Lile: My point is if you look at the complexity of this, is that really something I want to put in my body? Of course, if I’m in the intensive care and I’m at my last breath, anything at that point, maybe that’s a good choice at that point.
But do I want to put something that is not safe for humans in one of the pathways? Absolutely not. And this is where we are putting all of our faith in these medicines. These are end of life in my opinion. We would have to be like, okay, there’s nothing else I can do right now. I need to use this. The other point that I want to make is that $3,120 for one patient to be treated, that is not the hospital cost. That is not the nursing cost.
[00:44:52] Dean Barber: That’s just the drug itself.
[00:44:54] Dr. Laura Lile: The vial. And we can treat one patient for eight years with the Immune Formulation preventatively.
[00:45:04] Dean Barber: Crazy.
[00:45:04] Dr. Laura Lile: It’s astounding.
[00:45:05] Dean Barber: Crazy. So, what about the hydroxychloroquine?
[00:45:10] Dr. Laura Lile: So, the moment they announced that, I probably said some verbal things to the television and said, “What?” Remember, I’ve been a pharmacist for a lot of years. So, I knew right away that it could be a potential treatment in the right patient. This gets back to what we do, Dean. They’re trying to do a one-size-fits-all. Hydroxychloroquine is not a good fit for everyone and if you have a cardiac history, there are concerns and that’s what’s finally coming to light.
Even psychiatric, some of the mental health issues that can come with that, we can’t give this to the masses. And I’ve said this before, in order for something that’s going to turn this pandemic around, it has to be safe for everyone. It has to be effective, it has to be cost-effective, which we know, and it has to be able to be globally administered so that all can use it from a cost standpoint. And those criteria are not being met with Remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine. It is a choice at the right time. But again, that’s when we’re sick.
[00:46:16] Dean Barber: What do you know about some of the other vaccines that are being worked on right now? I’m sure you’re up on all of them. Tell us what your…
[00:46:23] Dr. Laura Lile: Well, they’re doing the trials. They’re in Phase 3. I believe two companies now are in Phase 3. As a matter of fact, when I was in my office in Michigan, the new station had this woman coming out of Henry Ford and she said, “I just took the vaccine,” and the news commentator said, “Well, what made you decide to be doing this experimental phase?” And she said, “Oh, I don’t want to get COVID.”
And I commend, I mean, I think we have to have volunteers but they need 30,000 in the study. Problem right now is they’re not getting enough minorities in the study to make this. They’re not sure. My concern is this. I don’t think it’s a good idea to rush a vaccine and I feel like we are jumping over steps as much as possible to get this out because everybody’s hanging on a vaccine. And side effects are a concern to me. I just read recently, I think they’re going to allow down to 50% efficacy, and it will pass. I read in Russia. they skipped Phase 3 and they’re using one now, a vaccine.
[00:47:32] Dean Barber: I read the same thing.
[00:47:33] Dr. Laura Lile: Yeah. These are steps that I’m not comfortable with. There are five companies to my knowledge that are at this point of using it. These human challenge trials that they’re talking about using with AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, I’m quite concerned.
They said they were willing to do that but that’s basically we’re infecting someone with the virus and then seeing after they get the vaccine, you actually infect them with a virus in theory. It’s not in my opinion and you’ll get a lot of different doctors talking about this but I think the ethics is challenging. And to this date, it wasn’t done in the US but there’s talk about it, whether it will or not. But bottom line, Dean, it’s one strain.
[00:48:16] Dean Barber: Yeah. So, what are we seeing over in Italy? Because they were really hit hard early. I haven’t heard a lot of news about other countries and what’s going on with COVID there. All we’re hearing about is how horribly it’s being managed here in the United States. And so, tell me about the difference in what you’re seeing in other countries versus what we’re seeing here.
[00:48:40] Dr. Laura Lile: It’s a vast difference. Italy’s on a slight uptake but there’s no fear of that. It’s a very different mindset. When I was over in Italy last month, I flew out the day that they banned US passports. Thankfully, I had written permission, medical, traveling with the Vatican. I was able to get over there but I didn’t know what I was going to face. And I was shocked when I faced a very calm environment. People aren’t talking about COVID at the cafes there. It’s relaxed.
They understand what they need to do and they’re using good judgment. The fear is not there. It’s not on the news stations. I then had to fly and I was laid over in Amsterdam and spent a day in Amsterdam. I don’t recall seeing any masks except for at our hotel and it was an international chain, which was mandated by the company and corporate. But it’s very mind-boggling to me that all of a sudden, I was afraid to come back to the United States.
I was in Rome for a week and by the time I would listen to the news that was in English that I could understand, I turned to my husband and said, “Should we go back? It’s gotten so much worse. I can’t believe it.” Well, it’s just the perception of what was being portrayed. We came to the exact same thing. I was also on a call with the Middle East, many leaders in the Middle East and again, you’ve got Jordan, Saudi Arabia, all these countries, and they’re also looking at, okay, what can we do better next time? It’s just not this fear factor that I’m seeing here.
[00:50:21] Dean Barber: I seem to think and notice that the death rate has declined precipitously since this thing came out and they keep counting the numbers, X number infected, and I’m like, “Why don’t we talk about the people that are getting zero symptoms that are perfectly healthy and the people that have fully recovered and the fact that we have figured out how to treat it much better? And the death rate now looks not even as bad as the normal flu.
[00:50:51] Dr. Laura Lile: No. It’s definitely declined. And here’s the thing, somebody asked me recently, what would you like a newscaster to ask as a question? I would like to ask them, how many people are in the ICU on ventilators that are healthy, that had taken care of themselves, had decreased oxidative stress, balanced, how many of those are dying? Because what we need to be focusing on is how many people are like you say, surviving and are thriving.
[00:51:25] Dean Barber: Yes. Because there is a positive side to this and I try to look for that positive side all the time. A lot of it is thanks to my relationship with you and the ability to understand what I can be doing individually. I think that that’s where we need to put the focus is what can we as individuals be doing to improve our health to allow our body to do what it’s designed to do to fight off these nasty things that come out? They’re every day, right?
[00:51:52] Dr. Laura Lile: Absolutely. We’re seeing a big decline in the southern hemisphere. They just had a report, a profound drop in flu vaccination or flu viruses. Cases like usually be 20,000. It’s like 1,000 something. This is a big difference partly because we are social distancing and we are trying to do so the predictions are there will be less this fall anyway of the flu. But I just really believe that if people understood moderation, this is not the time to go on extreme dieting whether you’re fasting for three days or you’re eating a high-fat diet because you’re depressed and you’re overeating.
This is a time for moderation. Get fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t overdo it with your exercise if you haven’t been exercising regularly. If you are just sitting on the couch watching Netflix all the time, we need to get out move. These are the things we have the power to decrease our oxidative stress and also getting our psychological mindset. We have to stay positive.
[00:52:57] Dean Barber: Absolutely. I want to tell everybody again how you find I’m going to call it the ProImmune 200 because that’s what’s on my bottle. I see it every day when I take it. and you can also find a link in the show notes to Just click that link and there’s a space there where you can order the ProImmune 200 or Immune Formulation or whatever.
That’s what Dr. Lile likes to call it. But it’s critical. So, I want to ask just a couple more questions and then we’ll let you get back to doing what you’re really good at, which is preventative care and helping people stay healthy. What’s your opinion of the mask? Is that effective? Or is it non-effective? And don’t give me a political answer.
[00:53:45] Dr. Laura Lile: Yeah. I can’t give you a political answer. So, I’m going to give you an answer that hopefully will make sense to you. I’m married to an ex-race car driver, American Le Mans. So, I’m going to give you a car analogy. My equivalent of a mask would be the seatbelt in the car. Dean, you and I aren’t that far apart in age. When we were younger and we got our first car, seat belts weren’t really known that much and then all of a sudden, we started wearing them because we were told it was safe.
And we even had reminders in our car. Dean, we didn’t. Wearing a seatbelt, it does improve safety. There are times when maybe it doesn’t. But we are learning that wearing a mask in the right setting can help if you’re in a group, a large group. But that in isolation isn’t enough. So, think about it. You can wear your seatbelt and drive 120 miles down the road and get too close to a car, it still may not protect you. It’s the same with the mask. I mean, using good judgment.
But if your vehicle, your body is running on high octane fuel and you’ve got an oil change and you’ve got that body running properly, you’re going to have a lot less risk of damage and danger. So, fix your body, use good sense. I do think social distancing is important and mask in the right setting, wearing it on an airplane, wearing it when you’re in large groups,
[00:55:11] Dean Barber: When you’re around people that you don’t know.
[00:55:14] Dr. Laura Lile: That’s exactly right. Because the reality is you’re being exposed to your family members anyway. Why would we wear a mask around our family in our home?
[00:55:22] Dean Barber: Right. What about the idea that the people that are at high risk, people who have a comorbidity or people who are elderly, they should be more concerned about protection? But what about the young people that are super healthy? What about getting kids back to school and all that? What’s your take there?
[00:55:42] Dr. Laura Lile: I feel kids should get back to school. I do feel that I understand we’ve got generations living in a home and there’s this risk of exposure. And it’s not the small child we’re worried about for mortalities and hospitalizations. It’s the parents and the grandparents. So, I think the most important thing we can do is exercise good judgment. But the reality is kids need the socialization. They need to be interfaced. And sometimes we need to have germs. I mean, having a germaphobe, that parent, when we were younger, those were the kids that always got sick with like ear infections and other sicknesses. So, getting these kids back in school is important.
And hopefully, the FDA I just heard, hopefully, they’re going to start approving these tests. There’s a saliva test that you could do at home for $1. And we could check Little Johnny and say, “Okay, you’re not able to transmit the virus. You can go to school today.” Now, that’s a whole different ball game than saying you have the virus. You may still carry the virus at a very low particle rate and not be able to transmit. So, these tests are going to be critical to get out to employers and to the kids wanting to go back to school so the parents feel safe bringing the kids back in the home with the grandparents.
[00:56:53] Dean Barber: Or they could just give the elderly people in the house or the ones with comorbidity, the ProImmune 200.
[00:57:00] Dr. Laura Lile: That’s a much easier answer. Yes.
[00:57:01] Dean Barber: Yeah. And then we can get on back to a normal life. I’d love to see it.
[00:57:06] Dr. Laura Lile: I would love to see it too because we can’t wait any longer. Everybody needs to get empowered now.
[00:57:12] Dean Barber: Well, I’m going to encourage everybody that’s listening to this podcast to share it with every single person that you know so that we can get the word out on this. Get to the show note links. You’ll find Lile Wellness there. You’ll be able to order the ProImmune 200. And by the way, I don’t get anything from this, Dr. Lile, except for the pleasure of helping others and I know that you’re very, very passionate about that. So, thank you so much for taking the time to join me here on The Guided Retirement Show. We didn’t talk about money. We didn’t talk about retirement. But you know what, you can have all the money in the world but if you don’t have your health, it’s not any good. Doesn’t do you any good.
[00:57:44] Dr. Laura Lile: I say that every day, the greatest wealth is your health.
[00:57:48] Dean Barber: Absolutely. Well, thank you for being here. It’s great to see you even virtually and we’ll talk soon.
[00:57:53] Dr. Laura Lile: All right. Thanks so much for having me.
[00:57:54] Dean Barber: You’re welcome.
[00:57:55] Dean Barber: Thanks for taking the time to join me here on The Guided Retirement Show. I’m Dean Barber. Of course, most of the time I want to talk about money but as I ended the show there with Dr. Lile, if you don’t have your health, the money doesn’t matter.
And I want everybody to take that seriously and I want you to share this episode with your friends. Make sure that you have subscribed to The Guided Retirement Show. If you’re watching us on YouTube, you need to give us a thumbs up, give us a like, however you do that thing to make sure that you get all this stuff on YouTube. I don’t know all the things about all the different spaces out there that we’re at but follow us and share with your friends and we really appreciate you joining us on The Guided Retirement Show. Look forward to talking to you next time.
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